Stock Analysis: return-risk performance vs S&P500 index

Find stocks that outperform the SP500 index, year after year, as well based on return (higher return) as on risk (lower risk)


We use two datasets:

from Kaggle: S&P 500 stock data file: all_stocks_5yrs.csv

This dataset contains all stocks in the S&P 500 index, and their historical prices for the past 5 years

from yahoo: S&P 500 index historical prices

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
import datetime as dt
from math import sqrt

Explore the Kaggle dataset all_stocks_5yrs.csv

How many observations and features do we have

In [2]:
data = pd.read_csv('./all_stocks_5yr.csv')

In [3]:

(606801, 7)

In [4]:

Date Open High Low Close Volume Name
0 2012-08-13 92.29 92.59 91.74 92.40 2075391.0 MMM
1 2012-08-14 92.36 92.50 92.01 92.30 1843476.0 MMM
2 2012-08-15 92.00 92.74 91.94 92.54 1983395.0 MMM
3 2012-08-16 92.75 93.87 92.21 93.74 3395145.0 MMM
4 2012-08-17 93.93 94.30 93.59 94.24 3069513.0 MMM

For each trading day we have the ticker symbol (Name) and the price at opening (Open), closing (Close), highest (High) and lowest (Low) of the day and the number of stocks traded (Volume).

What are the types of the columns?

In [5]:

Date       object
Open      float64
High      float64
Low       float64
Close     float64
Volume    float64
Name       object
dtype: object

We will only use the Date, Close and Name features for this exercise.

Convert the Date column to datetime

In [6]:
data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(data['Date'])

What is the time period over which we have date?

In [7]:
data.Date.min(), data.Date.max()

(Timestamp('2012-08-13 00:00:00'), Timestamp('2017-08-11 00:00:00'))

Split the total period in 5 periods of approx 1 year each

In [8]:
periods = np.array_split(data.Date.unique(), 5)

In [9]:
for yr in range(5):
    print(periods[yr].min(), periods[yr].max())

2012-08-13T00:00:00.000000000 2013-08-14T00:00:00.000000000
2013-08-15T00:00:00.000000000 2014-08-14T00:00:00.000000000
2014-08-15T00:00:00.000000000 2015-08-14T00:00:00.000000000
2015-08-17T00:00:00.000000000 2016-08-12T00:00:00.000000000
2016-08-15T00:00:00.000000000 2017-08-11T00:00:00.000000000

Create a multi-index for better retrieval later

In [10]:
data.set_index(['Name', 'Date'], inplace=True)

Open High Low Close Volume
Name Date
MMM 2012-08-13 92.29 92.59 91.74 92.40 2075391.0
2012-08-14 92.36 92.50 92.01 92.30 1843476.0
2012-08-15 92.00 92.74 91.94 92.54 1983395.0
2012-08-16 92.75 93.87 92.21 93.74 3395145.0
2012-08-17 93.93 94.30 93.59 94.24 3069513.0

Are there any null values?

In [11]:


How much data points do we have?

The list of stock symbols:

In [12]:
symbols = list(data.index.levels[0])

['A', 'AAL', 'AAP', 'AAPL', 'ABBV', 'ABC', 'ABT', 'ACN', 'ADBE', 'ADI']

In [13]:

['XL', 'XLNX', 'XOM', 'XRAY', 'XRX', 'XYL', 'YUM', 'ZBH', 'ZION', 'ZTS']

How many symbols do we have?

In [14]:


Facebook (ticker symbol 'FB') is one of these superstar companies of the past 5 year. Plot the price evolution of facebook

In [15]:
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(16, 6)
plt.title('Price evolution Facebook over 5 years')
plt.title('Price evolution Facebook over the last year')

Create and explore the dataset with historical prices for the S&P 500 index, retrieved from yahoo finance

We can get similar data as those from Kaggle, via the webservice of Yahoo finance The pandas_datareader ( module allows easy downloading of stock data in a pandas DataFrame

Let's dowload the S&P 500 index (ticker='^GSPC') historical data.

In [16]:
import pandas_datareader as pdr
sp500_index = pdr.get_data_yahoo('^GSPC')

Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume
2009-12-31 1126.599976 1127.640015 1114.810059 1115.099976 1115.099976 2076990000
2010-01-04 1116.560059 1133.869995 1116.560059 1132.989990 1132.989990 3991400000
2010-01-05 1132.660034 1136.630005 1129.660034 1136.520020 1136.520020 2491020000
2010-01-06 1135.709961 1139.189941 1133.949951 1137.140015 1137.140015 4972660000
2010-01-07 1136.270020 1142.459961 1131.319946 1141.689941 1141.689941 5270680000

What is the date range of the data?

In [17]:
sp500_index.index.min(), sp500_index.index.max()

(Timestamp('2009-12-31 00:00:00'), Timestamp('2017-09-18 00:00:00'))

Align the date range with the data from Kaggle

In [18]:
sp500_index = sp500_index.loc[data.index.min()[1]:data.index.max()[1],:]

join the sp500 index data with the kaggle data

In [19]:
sp500_index['Name'] = '^GSPC'
sp500_index['Date'] = sp500_index.index
sp500_index.set_index(['Name', 'Date'], inplace=True)
data = pd.concat([data, sp500_index])

In [20]:

['XLNX', 'XOM', 'XRAY', 'XRX', 'XYL', 'YUM', 'ZBH', 'ZION', 'ZTS', '^GSPC']

Facebook is one of those stocks that outperformed the index. Plot the historical return of 'FB' (Facebook) against the S&P 500 index

In [21]:
sp500_return = data.loc['^GSPC'].Close / data.loc['^GSPC'].Close[0]
fb_return = data.loc['FB'].Close /  data.loc['FB'].Close[0]

plt.title('5 year return Facebook vs S&P 500 index')

Research question

  1. Which stocks performed better last year than the index, with higher return and lower risk
  2. Which performed better than the index year after year

Research method

  1. define function to calculate return / risk ratio for a particular year
  2. calculate return / risk ratio for every year for all tickers, including S&P 500 index (ticker: ^GSPC)
  3. visualise the results
  4. calculate the relative performance for each ticker vs the index
  5. rank tickers on return / risk ratio, show top 20
  6. filter tickers, selects the ones with better performance than SP500 index
  7. which stocks performed better than the SP500 index more than twice over the past 5 year

Define function to calculate return / risk ratio for a particular year

For the return we perform a linear regressions over the time series period. With the linear trendline we avoid daily fluctuations, and get a general idea of the return. We define the return as the ratio of the price at the end date over the price of the start date (regression values).

We define the risk as the standard deviation of the real prices vs the trendline, relative over the start price (regression value).

For the return-risk-ratio we divide the return by the risk. For alternative return-risk-ratio definition see for example the Sharpe ratio

In [22]:
def return_risk_ratio(ticker, start, end):
    """Return a tuple: (relative return over period, risk over the period, return/risk)"""
    # select the data for the ticker and time period
    data_masked = data.loc[ticker].loc[start:end]
    x = np.arange(data_masked.Close.size)
    y = np.array(data_masked.Close)

    # Fit a degree 1 regression line
    fit = np.polyfit(x, y, 1)
    fit_fn = np.poly1d(fit)
    y_regression = fit_fn(x)
    # Calculate Root Mean Square Error = beta = risk
    RMSE = sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_true = y, y_pred = y_regression))
    slope = fit_fn.coeffs[0]
    y0_regression = fit_fn(x[0])
    return_percent = slope / y0_regression * x.size * 100 # return in percent 
    RMSE_percent = RMSE / y0_regression * 100
    return (return_percent, RMSE_percent , return_percent / RMSE_percent)

Calculate return / risk ratio for latest year for all tickers, including S&P 500 index (ticker: SPY)

Get the start and end dates of the last year of data

In [23]:
start_date_iso =[4].min()))
end_date_iso =[4].max()))

print(start_date_iso, end_date_iso)

2016-08-15 2017-08-11

Check return / risk ratio for Facebook

In [24]:
print(list(return_risk_ratio('FB', start_date_iso, end_date_iso)))
# print(return_risk_ratio('^GSPC', start_date, end_date))

[37.989594789121853, 6.089189846098324, 6.2388586576035001]

Calculate return / risk ratios for all S&P 500 symbols and store the results in a Dataframe

In [25]:
# create an empty Dataframe
rrr_index = symbols
rrr_columns = ['Period', 'Symbol', 'Return', 'Risk', 'ReturnRiskRatio', 'RiskReturnToIndex']
rrr = pd.DataFrame(columns=rrr_columns)

In [26]:
# Fill the Dataframe with the return risk ratios
n = 0
for i, p in enumerate(periods):
    start_date_iso =
    end_date_iso =
    for s in symbols: 
        #print(i, s, start_date_iso, end_date_iso)
        if data.loc[s].loc[start_date_iso:end_date_iso].size > 0: # data available for that period
            ret, risk, ratio = return_risk_ratio(s, start_date_iso, end_date_iso)
            rrr.loc[n] = [i, s, ret, risk, ratio, np.NaN]
        n = n + 1

Period Symbol Return Risk ReturnRiskRatio RiskReturnToIndex
0 0.0 A 25.046657 4.698386 5.330907 NaN
2 0.0 AAP 23.978840 4.168783 5.752000 NaN
3 0.0 AAPL -42.871417 6.619575 -6.476460 NaN
4 0.0 ABBV 35.919687 5.298701 6.778961 NaN
5 0.0 ABC 66.661877 3.606360 18.484532 NaN

Set a multi index for easier data retrieval

In [27]:
rrr.set_index(['Period', 'Symbol'], inplace=True)

Return Risk ReturnRiskRatio RiskReturnToIndex
Period Symbol
0.0 A 25.046657 4.698386 5.330907 NaN
AAP 23.978840 4.168783 5.752000 NaN
AAPL -42.871417 6.619575 -6.476460 NaN
ABBV 35.919687 5.298701 6.778961 NaN
ABC 66.661877 3.606360 18.484532 NaN

Check the data for Facebook and the SP500 index

In [28]:

Return               44.340001
Risk                 16.493497
ReturnRiskRatio       2.688332
RiskReturnToIndex          NaN
Name: FB, dtype: float64

In [29]:

Return               23.459875
Risk                  2.537375
ReturnRiskRatio       9.245726
RiskReturnToIndex          NaN
Name: ^GSPC, dtype: float64

Visualise the results

In [30]:
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(16, 16)
subplot = 320
for y in rrr.index.levels[0]:
    subplot += 1
    rrry = rrr.loc[y]
    plt.scatter(rrry.Risk, rrry.Return, alpha=.2, label='individual stock')
    plt.scatter(rrry.loc['^GSPC'].Risk, rrry.loc['^GSPC'].Return, c='r', label='Index')
    fit = np.polyfit(rrry.Risk, rrry.Return, deg=1)
    plt.plot(rrry.Risk, fit[0] * rrry.Risk + fit[1], color='red', label='regression')
    plt.ylabel('Return %')
    title = "year {} Return vs Risk".format(y)

Calculate the relative performance for each ticker vs the index for every year

In [31]:
for y in rrr.index.levels[0]:
    for s in symbols:
        if s in rrr.loc[y].index: # data available for that period
            rrr.loc[y].loc[s].RiskReturnToIndex = \
                rrr.loc[y].loc[s].ReturnRiskRatio / rrr.loc[y].loc['^GSPC'].ReturnRiskRatio
#rrr.nlargest(20, 'RiskReturnToIndex')

Return Risk ReturnRiskRatio RiskReturnToIndex
Period Symbol
0.0 A 25.046657 4.698386 5.330907 0.576581
AAP 23.978840 4.168783 5.752000 0.622125
AAPL -42.871417 6.619575 -6.476460 -0.700482
ABBV 35.919687 5.298701 6.778961 0.733199
ABC 66.661877 3.606360 18.484532 1.999251

Rank tickers on relative return / risk ratio, show top 20

In [32]:
rrr.nlargest(10, 'RiskReturnToIndex')

Return Risk ReturnRiskRatio RiskReturnToIndex
Period Symbol
3.0 AWK 65.496224 4.050542 16.169742 7.074899
NI 57.970661 3.938398 14.719350 6.440295
SCG 44.290073 3.019703 14.667028 6.417402
DLR 78.305088 5.540105 14.134224 6.184280
REG 39.028448 2.765380 14.113231 6.175094
O 61.370112 4.699451 13.058995 5.713825
LNT 49.119546 4.020575 12.217044 5.345438
T 37.097092 3.173536 11.689515 5.114623
NOC 35.049540 3.108853 11.274107 4.932866
JNJ 33.984054 3.187696 10.661009 4.664611

Filter tickers, selects the ones with better performance than SP500 index

In [33]:
best_performers = rrr[rrr.RiskReturnToIndex > 1]


So only about 20% of the stocks performs better than the SP500 index!

In [34]:
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(16, 16)
subplot = 320
for y in rrr.index.levels[0]:
    subplot += 1
    ax = plt.subplot(subplot)
    ax.set_xlim([0, 20]) # fix risk and return scale to for all subplots
    ax.set_ylim([0, 200])
    rrry = rrr.loc[y]
    best_performersy = best_performers.loc[y]
    plt.scatter(best_performersy.Risk, best_performersy.Return, alpha=.2, label='high performing stock')
    plt.scatter(rrry.loc['^GSPC'].Risk, rrry.loc['^GSPC'].Return, c='r', label='Index')
    plt.ylabel('Return %')
    title = "year {} Return vs Risk, Return(sp500) = {:5.2f}%".format(y, rrry.loc['^GSPC'].Return)

Which stocks outperformed the SP500 index more than twice

In [35]:
best_stocks = best_performers.index.get_level_values(1)
from collections import Counter
d = Counter(best_stocks)
d = {k: v for k, v in d.items() if v > 2}

dict_keys(['ADBE', 'ALL', 'AON', 'AOS', 'APH', 'AVY', 'BDX', 'BSX', 'CAG', 'CVS', 'EFX', 'EXR', 'FISV', 'GIS', 'HD', 'HON', 'HSIC', 'LRCX', 'MA', 'MMC', 'NYSE:NWL', 'ORLY', 'SRE', 'TMO', 'VRSK', 'WAT', 'DPS', 'DGX', 'PGR', 'UNH'])

Which stocks where the best performers of the last year

In [36]:
#rrr.loc[4].nlargest(10, 'RiskReturnToIndex')

Return Risk ReturnRiskRatio RiskReturnToIndex
ALL 41.491887 2.756820 15.050634 1.268898
ANTM 69.829951 4.550787 15.344588 1.293681
APH 23.637324 1.835468 12.878093 1.085734
BA 76.549269 6.240271 12.266978 1.034212
CBOE 48.774473 4.095198 11.910164 1.004129
CCL 53.417659 2.614428 20.431870 1.722583
DE 61.357344 4.425262 13.865247 1.168960
DGX 41.419440 3.295160 12.569780 1.059741
FMC 87.247589 6.969487 12.518509 1.055418
GLW 41.817330 3.506204 11.926669 1.005521
LRCX 95.012389 7.615323 12.476476 1.051874
MA 33.300228 2.491887 13.363458 1.126655
MSFT 30.235638 2.001082 15.109648 1.273873
MU 116.815023 9.276630 12.592399 1.061648
PCLN 46.773540 3.735974 12.519771 1.055525
PGR 56.272874 3.902819 14.418521 1.215605
RCL 80.189358 4.615806 17.372774 1.464674
RE 45.493978 2.252711 20.195214 1.702630
ROK 50.153327 4.148946 12.088209 1.019140
ROP 44.190238 3.667457 12.049287 1.015859
UNH 42.826793 3.117855 13.735978 1.158061
WYN 68.382167 5.679905 12.039315 1.015018
XL 38.613093 2.665490 14.486305 1.221320

In [37]:
bestInYear = list(rrr.loc[4].nlargest(20, 'RiskReturnToIndex').index)


In [38]:
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(12, 8)

rrry = rrr.loc[4]
best4 = best_performers.loc[4]
plt.scatter(rrry.Risk, rrry.Return, alpha=.2, label='individual stock')
plt.scatter(rrry.loc['^GSPC'].Risk, rrry.loc['^GSPC'].Return, c='r', label='Index')
fit = np.polyfit(rrry.Risk, rrry.Return, deg=1)
plt.plot(rrry.Risk, fit[0] * rrry.Risk + fit[1], color='red', label='regression')
plt.scatter(best4.Risk, best4.Return, color='green', label='best of year')
plt.ylabel('Return %')
title = "last year Return vs Risk".format(y)


  • There is a positive correlation between risk and return for the obeserved data
  • On average 20% of the stocks perform better than the SP500 index
  • Only in year 3 of the past 5 years there are stocks which performed better than the SP500 index and with less risks, other years all stocks with higher returns also had higher risks
  • Ony 30 stocks performed better than the SP500 index for more than 2 years in the past 5 years


  • Survival bias: dataset only has historical data from the current S&P 500 index companies. The composition of the index changes. Over the past 5 years new companies entered the index and others were removed.
  • Only S&P 500 index stocks, biased to big US companies
  • We are using data of the past 5 year, a period with continuous rise of stock prices. This might influence stocks that are well performing in a bullish market. These same stocks might not perform so well in a bearish market

Future work

  • One year as investment horizon was used in this exercise. Others investment horizons can be investigated from 1 month to 2 years (possible additional data needed, upto 10 years is avaible from yahoo, for longer investing horizons)
  • Other asset classes can be investigated like bonds and commodities
  • Fundamental data can be included in the model (eg sales, revenues, R&D investments, ...)
  • Stocks from other than the US market can be investigated, eg Europe, developing countries
  • Rolling values of return and risk can be calculated and studied for each ticker, and be compared with the index

Final Words

There is no assurance that past performance is an accurate predictor of the future!